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How the Agora Platform Works

How the Agora Platform Works

A simple but disruptive concept which allocates ‘points’ to customers for posting about Agora producers and venues on their own social media pages. These points are earned at businesses which support artisan producers, and can be redeemed for the finest artisan products.

Converts customers into passionate ambassadors

This simple platform, allows producers to avoid expensive sales and marketing firms. Instead producers convert their customers into brand ambassadors and reward them when they use their social media pages to promote Agora artisan products and venues.

Convert customers into a sales force

When a business converts a customer's points into product, the app informs the producer to deduct the cost of the product from the business’s next order. This process ensures sales are linked to the customer’s activity, promoting, earning and redeeming. In effect the customer becomes the marketing and sales person. A passionate customer, rewarded with product they love will always be better than a sales person driven by a sales target.

Support businesses which supports Artisans

Vitally this platform supports the businesses that support artisan producers. The app auto tags the business in the post. The customer earns points for promoting the local business as well as the artisanal producer. The app generates sales for the business as well as valuable authentic social media content, all at no cost.

A movement for a change

I’ve been a small producer for 15 years, in a region full of passionate artisans. Artisan products are in higher demand, but the market is supplied by mass producers. The Agora movement levels the playing field so small, local artisan producers can compete. We leverage the loyalty of our customers and the quality of our workmanship. Agora changes the game at a time society needs the game changed.


Denham D’Silva
Agora Gourmet Founder